Five: Monday, February 10

1. This has been floating around and is funny

2. The 25,000 Mile Love Story

3. How most runners deal with injury  (TRUTH)

4. Let’s just say this dude was WAY ahead of me on the course

5. “What Makes Olga Run?”


  1. 1. That is funny. I love situational humor like that 🙂
    2. & 5. I love to read and I especially love reading about running and unusual (and inspiring) people.
    3. I am the worst about judging others from inside my car or what not when I can’t run. We runners are big whiney babies when it comes to injury
    4. I know it sucks for him, but I love reading about excellent athletes having bad days and struggles like us they leave in their dust.

    Great shares. I’m glad I got up early to have time to read through these.

    Thanks for sharing! I enjoyed this

    1. Thank you. These lists keep me active in my blog in an easy way and help me keep up with all the blogs I follow

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