If Dr Suess had to run in the Alabama summer

It is no secret at all that I despise hot weather running.  Yes, I’ve lived in the South all my life, but the high humidity and heat kills me.  It does for everyone, but I am a pretty good “heat whiner” about it all.  On a run this week, and covered in sweat barely a mile into the run, I started muttering to myself in the Dr. Seuss metre: “I do not like this heat, I don’t, I won’t!”

Next thing I know I’m drafting this little thing in my pocket notebook al week when i have a few moments.  Here is the result, with apologies to the brilliance of Dr. Seuss for my crude and meager attempt to replicate his voice.


The runner sat glumly with head hung down,

The friend said what causes your unhappy frown?

It’s summer in the South, there’s cheer all around

you should pump your fists and jump up and down

Be happy in this heat? I’d say rather not!

It’s  humid and  sticky and so awfully hot!

But winter is cold, said friend, it freezes your bits

and you know it makes you throw a many hissy fits

I know, I know, said the runner resigned,

running in ice is not for what I was designed

Its true that now my bits are more thawed,

but to say I love summer running is supremely flawed

Heat running is rough and a super sized chore,

It never leaves me happy and wanting for more

When I run in humidity, I never feel at ease

My body revolts and my legs feel diseased

I want to run fast, and I really do try

But its so hot outside that I think I may cry

And if you should see some tears start to fly,

‘Tis merely the sweat that’s flopped in my eye

The friend said wait now, you tell me a bunch,

That hot weather running grows your strength so much

You say that if you can just withstand the pain,

To run in the heat can cause you great gain?

Do you a favor and listen to what I know,

That to run in the heat come fall the faster you will go

Your paces will hasten, and your feet feel light

You’ll smile again, and know running delight

You’re right, said runner, with half a smile

I’ll attack this summer one mile after mile

Humidity may hurt me, but won’t knock me down

And when the fall approaches, I’ll dance all around

I may whine like a baby, and overdo the bumming

But no matter the temps, I’d rather be running


  1. LOVE this post! Would you mind us reprinting it in the July issue of The Vulcan Runner for the BTC?

    Julie Pearce
    Editor, The Vulcan Runner

    Julie D. Pearce


    Email jpearce@ggh-law.com
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